Wednesday, April 29: Acts 9- no formula just faith.

Funny, how we create a formula for faith. Pray this prayer… Attend this class… Come down front and speak with a counselor…

And yet Paul, possibly the most dramatic conversion story in the New Testament, has none of this. The only thing Paul says in this entire account is “Who are you, Lord?” (5). There is no prayer, no verbal confession of Jesus as Lord, no speaking in tongues or ecstatic praise.

What there is, is obedient faith. After the initial encounter, Paul goes obediently into the city. When Ananias shows up, a man Paul does not know, Paul receives him and his prayer, is healed and is baptized (17-18). Then almost immediately he begins preaching and testifying that Jesus is the son of God (20).

Prayers and altar calls and classes are all good and helpful when it comes to faith. But ultimately faith is about living a new life of obedience to Jesus. It is about being obedient to Jesus’ will and way and testifying to this with our lives and our words.

Ask yourself if you were put on trial for being a Christ-follower, would there be enough evidence to convict you? Think about it…

Lord, may my life and my words testify to my faith in You. Amen


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