Wednesday, April 8: Luke 15- Welcoming others.

The opening to this well-read chapter grabs me. Luke is masterful in setting the stage for these 3 parables with two simple sentences.  Now the tax collectors and sinners were all gathering around to hear Jesus. But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.”

Is it any wonder that tax collectors and sinners gathered to Jesus? He actually went to them and He told them stories of grace. I’m sure they got it.  They were the lost and Jesus was searching for them. Jesus would even leave the 99 to venture out to find them.

Now listen to the Pharisees complaint about Jesus, “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.” Yes, Jesus cared for the lost and yes, He ate with them.  How else could He get to know them? How else could He share the Good News with them? How else could He invite them to repentance and return???

In these two short sentences, we see the embodiment of love and we see an example of how we –followers of Jesus –should also live!

At this point my thoughts burrow inward. How am I doing in these matters? Am I accepting and loving? Can I get past behaviors that God would not like to see in the people He loves… and am I willing to love them, too. Am I willing to befriend them so that I can be God’s incarnational presence to them, hopefully gaining a chance to share Jesus’ story with them? Am I willing?

If I were to be honest about my circle of relationships, the answer is basically ‘no’ because I don’t have many friends or associates who might fit in this category…

Lord, what do You want me to do about this??? Speak, Lord, I am listening… Amen.


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