Friday, August 28: Ephesians 5- Living God's wisdom.

Wisdom… who doesn’t want to be wise? I do and I am sure most of us want to know what to do in the various situations in which we find ourselves.

Wisdom can mean having the better answer for a problem or knowing how to act in a certain situation. Wisdom means different things in different contexts and situations.

In verse 15 Paul writes, Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise... Be careful to live wisely. And this statement comes in the middle of a section about living, as God would have us live, not like ‘unwise’ people or people who live in ‘darkness.’

How would wise people live?  Well, they would avoid behaviors like sexual immorality, impurity, greed, drunkenness and debauchery. Instead, wise people will do fruitful deeds for one another and will encourage one another with songs and words that lift the heart and bring brothers and sisters closer to Jesus.

As I mused on all this… I found myself leaning into prayer… prayer that God would grant me the wisdom I need to live rightly with and before Him.

Here is how I opened my prayer:

O, Lord, would You steady my living with Your wisdom?  I can get so caught up in my world and say and do things that reflect the people who live around me rather than reflect You and Your Spirit within me. Unclog my ears so that I hear You better. Fill my mind and thoughts with Your Word rather than human drivel. Give me Your wisdom so that Your life shines through me in every day living…

I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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