For some reason as I was reading this chapter, I found myself musing about how people, and particularly church leaders, live their lives. It is sad when ‘well known’ church leaders fall. All too often it is something egregious… sex, money, lying and even power.
I don’t know if it was these thoughts that prompted me to contemplate verse 10 or whether verse 10 put these thoughts in my head. Either way, here is the verse that drew me in today. You are witnesses, and so is God, of how holy, righteous and blameless we were among you who believed.
Holy, righteous, blameless… that is how Paul described his behavior and character during his time among the Thessalonians. What an example of Christ.
If Christians, and especially Christian leaders, lived that way, then sex, money, lying and power would have no hold on them. If I live that way then sex, money, lying and power, etc. will have no hold on me.
I heard God’s exclamation mark as I typed in that last sentence.
God, help me to live as Paul lived… holy, righteous, and blameless. I pray this, Lord, not so that I can earn my way to You but so that my life will not impugn You, my God, in any way.
All to You I surrender… I surrender all!!! Through Jesus, my Lord, I pray. Amen.
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