Wednesday, August 5: Galatians 3- Good News.

Galatians is a strong and powerful letter. Faith in God comes through faith in Jesus Christ. It cannot be earned or merited. It comes as fulfillment of a promise, the promise given to Abraham and fulfilled in Jesus Christ.

This chapter concludes with a stirring declaration: So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise (26-29).

After inserting these verses, I found myself staring at them. The centrality of Jesus Christ radiated out. Five references to Christ or Christ Jesus in three sentences. And they are not passing references; they are core to the understanding of the sentences.

·         Paul begins, So in Christ… and continues

·         Baptized into Christ

·         Clothed … with Christ

·         All are one in Christ Jesus

·         Belong to Christ

Each one of these phrases describes a person connected to Jesus Christ. Being ‘in Christ’ and ‘belonging to Christ,’ is the defining connection that makes a person a child of God and heir of the promise given to Abraham. These are astounding words spoken by a Jew who before his encounter with Jesus would have claimed that his bloodline as a Jew made him an heir of Abraham and therefore a child of God.

When Jesus came, a new way to be connected with God was established… the way of belonging to Christ, being baptized into Christ. And this way is established through a promise God made rather than a set of laws we must keep! GOSPEL… GOOD NEWS!

I sit this morning, early light creating a vast array of dancing colors outside in the yard. Crisp wisps of morning air tickle my cheeks as thoughts of my Lord Jesus settle upon me. God has lifted the burden of earning my status as His child and granted it to me and to anyone and everyone who would belong to Christ Jesus. This thought, this truth, is so freeing and so life giving. My heart is set free to love God –the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit- to love with my whole heart as a response to God’s love and promise.

No need to earn or work for God’s love… God granted it through His promise and now I can live into it and love Him and others because my life is filled with His presence.

I belong to Christ Jesus.   Do you? Oh my, it is so freeing and life giving…

Thanks and praise to God for His incredible promise of life and invitation into His family through belonging to Jesus. Lord God, words escape me… my spirit sings but my lips are still, as joy fills me, as I bask in being Your child… Thank You, Lord God for this gift… Amen.


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