Monday, August 8: Deuteronomy 1- Unvarnished truth.


As Moses readies the people for their entrance into the Promised Land, he stands before them and recounts their journey. Moses recalls the good and the bad. He is honest about their failures. In an age when high lights were often preserved but not low lights, Moses records the unvarnished truth of Israel’s journey to freedom.

Facing our past honestly and truthfully is a powerful ally to spiritual growth. Some people keep a journal. There is a part of me that honors even envies people who can keep a journal, especially one that truthfully records ups and downs, wonderings, questions and insights. But I have never had the discipline to journal and at this time I am not feeling the spiritual impulse to begin. Maybe someday???

Journaling aside, being honest about our past and present is an important step in spiritual growth. Only when we can face who we truly are can we ever hope to call out for God’s strength to change and become who God longs for us to be.

Lord, God, I pray that I am honest with myself and with You.  I pray that this will help me grow in You and that I will not simply age, but mature as Your child. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.



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