I was touched by the opening line, verses 1-2:
You are the children of the LORD your God. … for you are a people holy to the LORD your God. Out of all the peoples on the face of the earth, the LORD has chosen you to be his treasured possession.
I found myself contemplating being the treasured possession of the Lord!
What an incredible statement. As the Lord’s children we are His treasured possession.
I take excellent care of those things I treasure; I believe most people do. And if we, mere mortals, take excellent care of the things we treasure, I tried to imagine the care the Lord would take of the things He treasures. WOW!
Things I treasure are special to me… we are special to the Lord! Another WOW!
Today I found myself marveling in the truth that through faith in Jesus we are God’s treasured possession. What an amazing thought, amazing truth, and wonderful morning with my Lord.
God, thank You for the affirmation that this word brings my heart. I am blessed to be Your son… Praise You my Lord and God –Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit. Amen
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