There it was in the text of the day, John 14:6: Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. An amazing statement about who Jesus is and what Jesus provides for people who follow and believe in Him.
Jesus is the way… He leads us home to the Father God.
Jesus is the truth… in a world that seems to be losing the idea of truth and of right and wrong Jesus is the truth. His words ground us and stabilize us in a shifting world.
Jesus is the life… He gives us what we seek most in life… not simply living, but life and elsewhere we are told He gives us life abundantly!
I was in worship yesterday and we sang a song, which so wonderfully captures the essence of this verse. It is You who are the way by Angelo Natalie (ccli 5512911). The chorus goes like this:
You who are the Way we follow You
You who are the Truth we believe in You
You who are the Life we draw our breath from You
You who are the Way we walk with You
You who are the Truth we will sing of You
You who are the Life we'll rise again in You
Yes… this is Jesus. He is the way and the truth and the life. And it was such a powerful way to sing the truth of Jesus in worship and to bring the truth of Jesus into my life!
Thank You, Jesus, for coming and leading us home to the loving arms of the Father. Thank You, Jesus, for being truth, for showing us right and wrong and being an anchor of truth in the shifting sands of a relative world. Thank You, Jesus, for being life, for giving life and giving it abundantly. Thank You and praise You, Jesus, along with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
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