Friday, October 6: John 2- How did she know?.

Along with His mother, Jesus and His disciples attended a wedding. When the wine was gone, Jesus’ mother said to him, “They have no more wine.” “Woman, why do you involve me?” Jesus replied. “My hour has not yet come.” His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you” (3-5).

How did Mary know He could and would do something?

I don’t know how to answer that question beyond the word FAITH.

The writer makes it clear that this was Jesus’ first miracle or sign of his Messiahship (5), so Mary hadn’t seen Him doing miracles before. How did she know?

Again the word ‘Faith’ comes to me.

Certainly all the things about Jesus she had been treasuring, were adding up. His miraculous conception, angelic announced birth and the stories of the shepherds. That time He stayed in Jerusalem and they found Him at the temple. Still, how did she know He would act now and save the wedding for the groom?

Faith; she believed in Him. Those seeds planted by the events I just noted sprouted into faith so she asked, believing He would act. Notice how she turned to the servants saying, “Do whatever he tells you,” immediately after asking Jesus to do something.

Faith is believing what we have not seen (Hebrews 11) and Mary had Faith that Jesus would act.

We are invited to put our faith in Jesus today. Faith, not to change water into wine, but faith that He is the son of God, and that He will transform us into new creations, living for the glory and honor of God.  That He will forgive our sins, fill us with the Holy Spirit and that He has prepared works for us to do that will glorify Jesus, the Father and the Spirit (see Ephesians 2:10).

Faith… it is a gift of God and a powerful one at that!

Lord, bless You for opening my eyes to see you and believe in YOU and live for You. May I exercise my faith to live in ways the bring You glory. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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