Three times these words appear, verse 10, 15, and 16, but they did not lay their hands on the plunder. The Jews throughout Xerxes’ Empire defended themselves, but they didn’t exploit the situation for personal gain.
I just let that thought sit and steep.
The Jews had months, first to worry about, and then plan for their safety. Sometimes when I (we) worry we make situations worse. We desire vengeance and wrath beyond the idea of mere safety. I imagine at least some of the Jews must have had these thoughts. Still when the moment came they warded off thoughts and actions that could be described as wrathful.
I am wondering about times when I have been wronged. Can I ward off wrathfulness?
Growing up I had a saying, “I don’t get even, I get ahead.” I don’t think I really lived that way, it was more bluster of a youngster than a life principle, but it conveys where my thoughts are going. It is so easy to live by that rule. The ingrained human desire to get ahead, to pay back more than we received, was curbed in the life of Israel by the ‘eye for an eye’ law.
‘Eye for an eye’ puts a limit on retribution and keeps situations from escalating. Let’s face it, if I live by ‘getting ahead’ and the other person lives by that same rule then any altercation can escalate into full-scale war.
By curbing their desire to get ahead and sticking to defense rather than seizing property the Jews honored their God and the life rules He instituted among them.
Have I allowed God’s ways to seep into my life as deeply as the Jews of Esther’s day? I’m thinking now of some of Jesus’ ways presented in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7), turn the other cheek, bless those who persecute you, do not judge, etc.
My life of being a disciple of Jesus it to work Jesus’ principles into the very fabric of my life. I still have much work to do kneading Jesus’ way into my way of life.
In this chapter I see an example that we can be transformed from the inside out by God’s ways.
Oh, Jesus, work in me. Oh, Holy Spirit, work in me, plant Your will and way in me, weave into the very fabric of my life Your will, Your way, Your laws. I pray this in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
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