Certainly David is being remembered by the Chronicler as the archetype king of Israel and while he is not perfect, the Chronicler leaves out some of David’s great foibles and highlights the good he did.
My eyes and heart were drawn to verse 14 and a declarative statement made about David. David reigned over all Israel, doing what was just and right for all his people.
The idea of doing what was just and right for all his people (emphasis mine) paints a marvelous picture of David as king. While this sounds wonderful, which it is, it is so difficult to actually do. Maybe the world was simpler back then, but governing fairly, doing what is just and right for all people, seems so impossible today.
Washington, Munich, London, Beijing, Moscow, Abuja… I know of nowhere in the world where we could say that today. The news everywhere highlights how this or that law favors one group over another. Maybe the world is too complex these days? Maybe legislation has gotten too specific or maybe analytics have become so finely tuned that differences, unnoticeable in the past, are magnified now. Maybe the Chronicler was overly zealous in his appraisal of David. However, even if the latter is true what a wonderful sentiment it conveys.
As I watch our world, I am not sure that doing what was just and right for all his people is the goal of governing anymore. It seems like ‘special interest groups’ rule the day.
Ahh, I have slipped from devotion to current news analysis and opinion…
I force myself to return to the text… what a wonderful goal David establishes for governing… doing what was just and right for all his people.
That’s what God longs to see, all the people cared for justly and righteously!
I know I am not a governmental official. What do I take home from this morning in God’s Word?
1) I need to check my attitude regarding how I think about and mentally treat various people… ‘all people’ in my head. Am I bigoted, prejudiced, or biased toward or against any particular group of people?
2) Am I so interested in myself that I don’t have eyes for others? This is similar to the above but invokes a slightly different slant on things.
3) In my country, where I have the right of voting, do I hold candidates to this standard?
Things to chew on... I am sure more will emerge as I ponder further.
Oh, Lord, I pray for men and women in office. I pray for a heart that emulates David’s, seeking to do what was just and right for all their people. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen
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