Tuesday, January 2: 1Chronicles 2- Bad deeds cling like leprosy .

Another chapter of names… not the most spiritual of Bible readings for me.J  When I come to chapters like this, one discipline and devotion to the Lord, who saw fit to include this chapter in sacred Scripture, keep me reading and call me to attention.

And my attention focused on two pieces of the chapter. One, most of the names are listed with little embellishment, even David who would become the archetype king for all Israel is only mentioned by his name David. But strangely Achar is listed, naming also his evil deeds. The son of Karmi: Achar, who brought trouble on Israel by violating the ban on taking devoted things (7). Bad deeds have a habit of attaching themselves to us. They cling like leprosy and never let go.

Pondering this raises my appreciation for the Lord. As David says in Psalm 103: as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us (12). God’s gift of forgiveness is more than I can fathom… what an incredible gift God offers us through faith in Jesus.

My second thought emerged from the concept that heredity is important to keep your lineage alive and fresh for generations to come. For the Jews in exile, stripped from the land, maintaining their heritage and bloodline was important, far more important than it is for me. And far more important than it is for people ‘in Christ.’ In Christ every conversion creates a direct descendant of the Father. I don’t have to be the son of x, y, or z to prove my inheritance. I am directly an heir with Jesus through faith in Jesus.

Again I am so appreciating the gift of God that comes to me and all who believe in Jesus. He is my rock and stay!

Lord, to be bound directly to You is such a gift. I don’t need to prove a blood lineage. I don’t need intermediary priests. I have direct access to You, Lord God Almighty, Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit. And it is in You and Your saving grace that I delight. Praise be to You, Oh God. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.


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