Tuesday, January 9: 1Chronicles 8- God will remember .

I was hopeful that there would be more in this chapter when I read the heading in the NIV translation, “The Genealogy of Saul the Benjamite,” given that Saul was the first king of Israel. But, unfortunately, it was another list of names leading to Saul and at least a dozen generations following Saul.

I was amazed how detailed the genealogy was noting deportations and divorces. And these records would have to have been maintained since the time of the Benjamin. No one at the time of Benjamin knew that one of his descendants would become a king of Israel, so they were keeping these records for records sake. Hmmm.

Records, even in an oral culture like ancient Israel were important. I wondered how they maintained them and who kept the records. Obviously these records were important. I can barely recall 2 generations above mine. How the world has changed.

No matter how detailed or lacking our human records are, God knows the complete account. He knows everything… all the words I have spoken, all the sins I have committed, all the prayers I have prayed and all the deeds I have performed that honor Him. God knows everything. EVERYTHING!

And He invites me, little insignificant me, into His presence and even more invites me to be part of His family. I am humbled by this thought.

My heart sinks into His embrace… I am loved. I am cared for. I am commissioned. I am delighted in. I am remembered. Long after traces of my life are forgotten by the generations to come, God will remember. Not only will He remember He will have ushered me into His eternal kingdom to live with Him forever! Oh my… the joy that gushes from my heart.

Oh, Lord, words fail me, but my heart pounds with love for You. What can I say but that I will serve You and love You all the days of my life. Through Jesus, my Savior, I pray. Amen.


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