Monday, February 4: Luke 2- Jesus grew …

The last story in this chapter, about Jesus being left behind in Jerusalem when he was twelve, launched my thinking. We know very little about Jesus' early life beyond His birth. Was He smart, precocious, athletic, coordinated? We know He could read, since He read the Synagogue scroll in Luke 4. Who taught Him? We do not know.

All indicators suggest He was an ordinary child. When He returns to His home town no one thinks He is anything special. Apparently, He was a normal kid, whatever normal meant in his era.

Thinking about Jesus' early years, I was drawn to verse 52. And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.

He grew... He was a normal boy.

This brief verse shows us that Jesus grew intellectually and physically. He went through growing pains just like every kid. He had to learn to walk. And is mind and thoughts needed to develop. He grew in wisdom.

The last clause says much. Jesus grew in favor with God and man. Jesus learned to please God. I love that His faith and trust in God grew. Even as a child He was learning to trust the Lord. This verse underscores for me the place of teaching our youngsters and youth the way of God. Young people today can learn to grow in favor with God, too!

Jesus was a real human being... He grew. And His life reminds me that part of our growth is to grow in favor with God.

That's true for young people and old as well.

Lord, as I sit today... may my time with You in Your Word increase my growth and favor with You. Following Jesus' example and in His name, I pray. Amen. 

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