Thursday, February 7: Luke 5- Solitude.

It was not wilderness per se but solitude that caught my eye today.

One prime aspect of wilderness is solitude, being alone with self, facing God and self. Today we see Jesus spending time in solitude. But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed (16).

First, I notice the word ‘often.’ Luke makes it seem that Jesus regularly spent time alone with His Father in prayer and connection. Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.

In this place of solitude Jesus prayed. When I am truly in solitude, I can hear things I don’t hear when I am in the hustle and bustle of life. I can hear my inner thoughts and I can better hear the nudges of God. A thought comes to mind that could only be from the Lord. Because I can hear more clearly, I have an opportunity to act more faithfully. To be honest I can still say ‘no’ to the voice of God, but at least I hear it. I suspect I often miss the voice of God when I am moving at the speed of life much of the day.

And this brings me back to ‘often.’ Maybe, if like Jesus, I cultivate a regular and often pattern of being in solitude with God, I will learn to hear and distinguish God’s voice better so that I might even hear Him when I am moving at the speed of life, which is much of my normal day. Secondly, maybe I can cultivate slowing down so that my normal speed of life is a little slower so I can hear God a little better.


Now, I just have to cultivate those times of solitude…

Help me, Lord, find solitude time with You every day. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.


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