God’s hand is floating quietly beneath this account. Ruth just happens to glean in the field of an honorable man, Boaz. Boaz happens to come to the field that day and also happens to be Naomi’s close relative. God is quietly at work, His hand unnoticed, at least to Ruth.
Ruth displays love for Naomi. She honors her mother-in-law by putting her life in danger and quietly doing the belittling work of following harvesters by rooting through their leftovers for any missed grain. She keeps at this, persevering through the barley and wheat harvests.
Unbeknownst to her, God is at work (I know the story, I know what happens).
Ruth’s dedication to doing what she had to do gave me pause. Without complaining, Ruth kept at it, doing what she needed to do to provide for Naomi and herself. In doing so, Ruth gave substance to her pledge from chapter 1. Ruth was a woman of her word. Honorable, hard working, compassionate (she saved part of her lunch for Naomi), and dedicated are all words that can be used to describe Ruth. Beneath the surface God is at work.
Ruth reminds me that there is virtue in honorable living, hard work, compassion and dedication. Her life gives me pause. Do I display similar character in my life?
Lord, give my hands and heart strength to labor honorably, to do those things I know in my heart I should do and to do them well. Lord, may my faith in You find expression in the diligence and work of my hands… amen.
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