Wednesday, February 24: Judges 21-Fixing mistakes our way. watch out!

The book of Judges ends with these words: In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit (25). Left to ourselves we can make a mess even worse.

Remorse sets in after the battles with Benjamin as Israel realizes that they have killed off an entire clan. Their revenge drove them to kill not only the soldiers but the women and children as well. So the only survivors were the men not killed in battle and since Israel had taken a vow not to let daughters marry with these Benjamintes, Israel effectively wiped out an entire clan, hence the remorse.

I read the chapter twice just to make sure. Nowhere does Israel ask God to help them justify the situation. Yes, they cry out blaming the Lord for the situation. "O LORD, the God of Israel," they cried, "why has this happened to Israel? Why should one tribe be missing from Israel today?" (3). Interesting how we can overlook our own fault in a tragedy and blame God… but that’s another devotion.

However, they never seek God asking Him to help them correct the wrong, instead they come up with 2 more cockamamie ideas that involve more bloodshed and kidnapping women. Yeah, they sound like God-honoring solutions!?!

As I pondered this chapter, I found myself thanking God that Judges was over. The last chapters have been very difficult and sad to read. But beyond my complaining God began to show me that when I try to solve a problem (particularly one I have created by not listening to Him in the first place) with my own ideas, rather than talking with Him and seeking His way out, I make a further mess.

What the Lord reminded me this morning was that when I leave Him out of the equation, I create a recipe for disaster. I can think of a number of messes I have amplified because I rushed ahead with my solution without checking in and seeking the Lord’s guidance first.

This morning God is giving me a gentle reminder about a better way.  Seek Him and His wisdom first. Cry out to God, admit my complicity in the problem when necessary and listen for the leading of the Holy Spirit. God will provide a way out and His way will not destroy others.

Lord God, thank You for taking an ugly incident in Israel’s history and teaching me Your ways. Now, Lord, help me apply what You have shown me today to my life. Thank You too, Lord, for being a redeeming God who can and will reach down into the mess of my life and lavish Your peace, supply Your grace and show mercy when it is undeserved. Praise be to Jesus, my redeemer and my Lord. Amen.


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