Tuesday, February 2: Judges 2- who is keeping you on track


What struck me reading yesterday’s chapter became explicitly clear this morning. Israel slipped into disobedience. I suspect, based on yesterday’s reading, that Israel’s disobedience wasn’t blatant at first but over time the ‘seeds of disobedience’ matured into deeply rooted sin and sin patterns in Israel’s life. Verse 11 reveals that Israel’s slide resulted in the blatant worship of false gods. Oh, the depths of sin we are capable of committing.

Connecting verse 7 to verse 10 is telling, The people served the LORD throughout the lifetime of Joshua and of the elders who outlived him and who had seen all the great things the LORD had done for Israel. After that whole generation had been gathered to their fathers, another generation grew up, who knew neither the LORD nor what he had done for Israel.

It begs the question in my soul, “To who am I (are you) listening?”

Everyone of us is capable of slipping into sin and sin-patterns. A strong defense is having someone we trust speaking God’s truth into our lives, someone rooted in the Lord, someone who longs to follow the Lord, someone guided by the word of the Lord. These ‘someones’ won’t be perfect but must be faithful and be willing to speak direct truth into our lives.

O, Lord, may I never see myself as incorruptible. Instead, Lord, give me a profound understanding of my capability to fall into sin and to sin. Holy Spirit, speak into my life, continue to show me places of vulnerability, continue to reveal sin-pockets in my life. Holy Spirit, place in my life men and women who will speak Your truth into my life so that I may live faithfully all the days of my life… serving my God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.


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