Saturday, February 6: Judges 6- All the time or some of the time?


Gideon presents an interesting character. A not-so-brave person who will finally do God’s bidding but only after he gets a direct sign from God. Just writing this stings because I too act that way. Oh, I’m more sophisticated than Gideon, I don’t lay a fleece on my front lawn daring God to use it to give me a sign. But I often ask for additional “confirmation” before I trust the voice of the Spirit nudging me from within. Is that really any different than what Gideon did with the fleece? And I too sometimes ask for even more “confirmation” when I am not sure, which is usually when I don’t really want to do what God is asking.  Hmmm, I need to pray about this area of my life.

Where the Lord spoke the loudest this morning was with the first few verses, the cycle of not following the Lord, and then crying out for salvation. Verses 1& 6 tell the story: Again the Israelites did evil in the eyes of the LORD, and for seven years he gave them into the hands of the Midianites. … Midian so impoverished the Israelites that they cried out to the LORD for help. I have read Judges often enough to know that this cycle will repeat itself over and over again.

However, during my reading this morning, it was as if God held a mirror up. Instead of thinking about “them” (the people in ancient Israel), my thoughts rebounded to me and my world. How often does a similar cycle breed in my life? My walk with Jesus gets a little bumpy and life unravels. Sin has its consequences. So I beg God to help me straighten me out, and God does. Isn’t that really the same pattern as the text?

Next, I thought how many people, myself included, draw near to God when things are tough? “O, God, help…” But then when life re-normalizes, they forget God until the next crisis. For example, throughout the US, following 9/11 worship attendance swelled but within 6 months worship attendance was back at pre-9/11 figures. I was commenting with a prayer partner just yesterday, “Will people who are begging God to help them during this economic downturn, stick close to the Lord as the recession ends?” Time will tell. But what I realized this morning is that I, too, have the ability to treat God like a “Get out of Jail” monopoly card rather than the Lord of the Universe.

O, Lord Jesus, I am so thankful that You do continually come to my aid, that You routinely forgive, that You save me again and again. Jesus, forgive me for taking advantage of You and for less than stellar ongoing faithfulness. Lead me to deeper last and abiding trust and following.

Also, Jesus, help me to cultivate an intimacy with You so that I will know Your voice and follow without incessant requests for more ‘confirmation.’ Teach me the sound of Your voice so that I will know it the first time and act IMMEDIATELY. Please, Lord,  please. Amen.



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