David and Jonathan were friends, best friends in the truest sense of the word. Their friendship started in the last chapter and today we read more. Jonathan risks a confrontation with his father, the King, over his loyalty to David. It was a huge gamblebut Jonathan opted to go to bat for his friend, knowing David was innocent and his dad had it all wrong.
Friends step up when we need them. Friends help us out and are there at critical times in our lives. Friends watch our back. There are friends, Proverbs 18:24 reminds us, that stick closer than a brother, than a blood relative. David and Jonathan were that kind of friends.
My thoughts slide to my friends, friends who have stuck by me over the years; friends I can trust, who have watched my back, who have spoken hard truths to my face about me or a situation I was in.
This morning God seemed to invite me to bless my friends, to pray for my friends, to be thankful for the friends I have had over the years. You may want to do the same…
O, Lord God, thank You for ‘the Jonathans’, the friends I have had over the years. They have and are gifts. And I thank you for them, since “every good and perfect gift comes from You” (James 1:17). Amen.
PS… the thought occurred to me to drop a note to some friends…
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