Wednesday, May 19: 1Samuel 17-David v Goliath, some life lessons

Everybody knows this familiar story. In the run up to the NCAA men’s basketball final, Butler v Duke, commentators were routinely calling it David v Goliath. Everyone knows this story. As familiar as it is for me, it still inspires me every time I read it.

With God all things are possible…

God wins, God triumphs…

Not by our strength, but by the Lord’s we succeed…

These and other one-liners came to mind as I read this morning.

A few lines spoke loudest to me:

34-37 But David said to Saul, "Your servant has been keeping his father's sheep. When a lion or a bear came and carried off a sheep from the flock, I went after it, struck it and rescued the sheep from its mouth. When it turned on me, I seized it by its hair, struck it and killed it. Your servant has killed both the lion and the bear; this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, because he has defied the armies of the living God. The LORD who delivered me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine." Saul said to David, "Go, and the LORD be with you." Talents and abilities are transferable to new situations. No one would equate shepherding with military or killing a random wild animal with killing a well trained soldier. And yet, David took what he learned from fighting a wild beast and applied it to his one-on-one battle with Goliath. Abilities are often transferrable from one setting and one job to another. Don’t get stuck. Be creative, using your abilities for the Lord.

39-40: (Referring to Saul’s battle armor David said) "I cannot go in these because I am not used to them." So he took them off. Then he took his staff in his hand, chose five smooth stones from the stream, put them in the pouch of his shepherd's bag and, with his sling in his hand, approached the Philistine. God doesn’t ask us to be someone else. God made us who we are and we can do whatever God asks of us with the gifts, talents and experiences God has seen fit to give us. We don’t have to pretend to be someone else.

45-46 David said to the Philistine, "You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the LORD will hand you over to me… God was David’s strength not his training or his skills. Human ability is no match for the Spirit of God. In God’s strength we can and will accomplish everything God wills accomplished, but we will not succeed if we try to do it in our strength by itself.

Lord, as familiar as this passage is, You brought new thoughts and different angles to my mind and heart. Your word is so rich. I never know what You will shop me and where You will take me when I spend time with You in Your word. Thank You for this morning and for the real-life lessons. Go with me today and help me, Lord, to continue to practice being in Your presence all day long. Amen.


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