Tuesday, May 18 1Samuel 16-Talking with God

Tuesday, May 18 1Samuel 16-Talking with God

One of those rich mornings in the Word, a number of thoughts course around my mind:

·       The line from verse 7: The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.

·       How God ‘trains’ David to be king by placing him in Saul’s court, where he observes the king’s actions, affairs of state and military endeavors. God is preparing a shepherd to be king.

·       But what most attracted me this morning was the way Samuel and God related and spoke in the opening 13 verses.

As I read the story leading up to David’s anointing, I was fascinated by the regular and relaxed nature of Samuel and God’s relationship. God and Samuel talked and the dialogue could have been that of friends or buddies chatting at Starbucks. God initiates this conversation but I have the feeling that the conversation could have been started by either party. From its’ start, the chat simply flows… God to Samuel; Samuel to the Lord; back and forth. When Samuel reacts with a concern (2), God comes up with a solution. When the parade of Jesse’s sons begins, God reads Samuel’s thoughts and gives answers. This doesn’t come across as a violation of Samuel’s autonomy, but rather a best friend who might read my body language, see the glint in my eye and just know what I am thinking, so he responds.

The more I replay this scene in my mind, the more I envy Samuel; to have that depth yet simplicity of a relationship with God. To be directed like Samuel, yeah, that’s part of what I envy, but it is more. It is to have the familiarity and closeness with the Lord. That we can simply chat and even when God is revealing profound things (about Himself or what He wants me to do), they are accomplished naturally in the course of a regular conversation.

O, Lord, I am inspired by Samuel to know You more and more and deeper and deeper.  Also, to practice what Brother Lawrence called the “practice of presence” which is seeking to simply be present with You throughout the day, allowing You to speak and to be with me in life. Lord, for me this, in part, means that I need to bring myself into Your presence throughout the day instead of putting my life with You on the back burner when I close my Bible in a few moments.

O, God, help me to learn the art to keeping myself present to You all day and all life long. In Jesus name I pray, amen.



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