Monday, May 10: 1Samuel 9- Appearances .

It is so easy to judge others by appearances… too easy. The old adage remains true, “you cannot judge a book by its cover.” Appearances tell part of the story, but certainly not the most important part.

Israel asked for a king. Who will it be? I am fascinated by this first description of Saul, the soon-to-be, first king of Israel. “He had a son named Saul, an impressive young man without equal among the Israelites--a head taller than any of the others” (2). As I read that description I realized that it was all about appearances… “impressive young man,” “without equal,” “a head taller.” Okay he has great physical attributes but what about his character? What about his decision making ability? What about his faith, his teachability, his moral fiber and makeup?

Appearances are easy to spot,  but they don’t tell very much about the real person.

For the last three or so years I have become involved with an organization called PRMI (check out if you want to know more). Their emphasis is to teach about the power of the Holy Spirit in a balanced way. In their foundational course, “Gateways to Empowered Ministry,” they teach about the inner and outer work of the Holy Spirit. Inner work is building Christ-like character and the fruit Fruit of the Spirit (see Galatians 5:23-24) within the believer. The outer work of the Holy Spirit involves power ministries and gifts Gifts of the Spirit (see 1Cor 12, etc.). One point they make strongly is that Christ-followers need both, and to have one without the other is a truncated Christian faith.

Israel was enamored with Saul’s physical strength and physique… . the The Spirit pricks me, “And too often, Bill, you are too.”

O, Lord, forgive me when I make assumptions based on appearance…


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