Friday, June 4: 1Samuel 31-The end comes for all of us.

Saul’s life comes to an ignoble end. Critically wounded in battle, he falls on his sword to avoid capture.

Noble or ignoble, painful or peacefully, sudden or after prolonged illness, death come to all of us. It is one eventuality that none of us can escape. A sobering thought on an absolutely gorgeous morning.

I was impressed by the men of Jabesh Gilead, Saul’s clansmen, who risked their lives to give Saul an honorable burial. At least these men took the risk to honor the fallen king. I mused about what that says about Saul.  His family honored him.  Did the rest of Israel reject him? It is dicey to infer what people are thinking from scant evidence.

Then my thinking flipped. I think it was the Lord.  At least it led to God honoring thoughts. I wondered about my life, asking if I was living in a manner that would be honored or bypassed by those I know. Where this led was, “Was I living up to my God ordained potential? Was I living for Jesus and making a positive, encouraging, kingdom impact on others?” I took a mental jog through my various circles… immediate family, extended family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, and so on.

I won’t share my conclusions… that’s for me and God. But I will say I’m a mixed bag of outcomes. How about you?

O, God, I want to live this life well… live it well for You. O, God, I want to encourage others, see them blossom into Your full potential. O, Lord, I want to make kingdom impacts. I can’t do it on my own. I need Your help. Please help me. And Lord, please forgive me for those times and people to whom I give less (sometimes much less) than my best… In Jesus name. Amen.


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