Monday, June 7: 2Samuel 2-Asking God.

The opening verse struck me. I cannot recall the last time I prayed and asked God where I should live. David who has been on the run from Saul does have some new found freedom, since Saul is dead. But before he made a move, David sought the Lord’s guidance. In the course of time, David inquired of the LORD. "Shall I go up to one of the towns of Judah?" he asked. The LORD said, "Go up." David asked, "Where shall I go?" "To Hebron," the LORD answered (1).

Such was the bond of David and his Lord. Like seeking counsel from a best friend, David ‘rings’ the Lord to talk. “Is the time right for me to move back to Israel? Is it safe? Is it prudent? Is it…?”

“Yes,” the Lord replies, “Go home to Israel.”

“Ok, but where should I go?” asks David. “Tell me what town is best for my family and my men and their families.”

“Go to Hebron,” God offers.

The conversation is like one I imagine between friends, or maybe calling dad for some advice… it is natural, normal, easy and helpful. There are no fancy religious words, just a heart felt chat.

David’s relaxed conversations with God help me to think and process what a relationship with the Lord is like. We can ‘ring up’ God and chat. We can ask His help in life decisions. We can connect with God and seek counsel as we do with other key people in our lives.

David lives this… and the pounding of my heart is to emulate David in my relationship with the Lord.

O, Lord God, it never ceases to amaze me that I can have Your ear whenever I need it or even simply want it. You have availed Yourself to me! That sentence amazes me. The God of the universe, the one who keeps all things and knows all things, has an open door for me and all Your children to come talk or ask anything. What a blessing to be part of Your family, through faith in Jesus Christ. Alleluia! Amen.


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