Tuesday, June 29: 2Samuel 21-Making amends.

Way back in Joshua 9, the Gibeonites deceived the Israelites into a treaty. Saul disregarded that treaty and God’s judgment was served in the form of a famine. Why the famine was during David’s reign and not Saul’s, I have no idea.

What I found fascinating was the need for restitution. Apparently.forgiveness alone was not sufficient. David needed to provide some form of restitution to the Gibeonites, which turned out to be the lives of seven of Saul’s descendents (I am glad we no longer live under the ‘eye-for-an-eye’ and ‘tooth-for-a-tooth’ balance of judgment).

The thought of restitution captured much of my contemplation the morning. Our system of justice is punishment for crime committed… ‘commit the crime and do your time.’ The OT system included punishment but often adds the idea of restitution… paying back for the loss created by your misdeeds. I wonder if we haven’t loss an important element to justice? Imagine a thief is caught and gets ‘x’ punishment and has to pay back all that was stolen + an additional percentage. I wonder if that wouldn’t be more of a deterrent, and if not a deterrent, at least justice for the victim.

I then began to think about this concept applied to my spiritual life. I deserve punishment for the sins I have committed, plus I owe God and/or others restitution for the pain my sins have caused. YIKES, I could never get out of that debt...

Oh, the wonder of mercy … not receiving (the punishment) I deserve!

Thank you Lord God-Father, Son and Holy Spirit- for Your mercy and Your grace and Your love.  I could never pay back what I owe. Jesus, were it not for Your gift of paying my penalty, I would never be free from the weight of sin and guilt that I deserve. Thank You, thank You, thank You… I am forever in debt to Your grace, mercy and love. And it’s to You, Lord God, I can sing, “Hallelujah I am free and I am loved … hallelujah! Amen.


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