Reading the disturbing story of Amnon’s rape of his half-sister Tamar and then Amnon’s subsequent murder by Absolom, Tamar’s brother and his half-brother, I couldn’t shake the thought that David’s sin with Bathsheba and his cover-up murder of Uriah was repeating itself. The sins of the father being visited upon the son. I have heard people refer to things like this as generational sins.
There is something to this. How often do we see sins being repeated generation after generation? Alcoholism, sexual indiscretions, trouble with the law, marriage failures… and on and on, the list goes.
In a conversation with someone not long ago, this woman explained how she talked with her spouse about his alcohol use (abuse???), begging the spouse to get help and get it under control for the sake of their kids. “You can be the one to cut off the effects of this problem,” she implored. (FYI: The man’s parents both died in part due to the effects of alcohol abuse.)
Counselors use genograms and other tools to explore generational patterns in families…
With all of this swirling, I began asking the Lord to show me if there are any generational issues affecting my life that I should deal with… for my sake and for the sake of my children.
O God, what a complex web we weave… our lives are far more interconnected than we often appreciate. Lord, open me to honest self-evaluation… for my sake, yes, absolutely. Lord, if there be any wicked thing in me –from generations before me or of my own making- show me. And, Lord, I pray this for the sake of my children, too. Lord, I admit it is frightening that my sins may be passed on to my children. It gives me greater pause to deal with my stuff and my sin.
Jesus, this walk with David and his family is revealing and at times difficult… thank You for Your word. Amen
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