Friday, February 4: 1Chronicles 11- Who's at your side?

Maybe it is the rugged individualism that has characterized the United States since its birth. Whatever the root, people from the US often live as if we can do life on our own. This individualistic spirit, like most character traits, has some positives and many negatives. Life is much more than self; and success in life is rarely achieved by independent individuals. Face it, people live interconnected and interdependent lives.

Reading this chapter, I was fascinated that immediately following kingship, David moves to take up residence in Hebron. He immediately realizes he cannot do that on his own and offers army commander-in-chief to the man who leads the successful capture of the fortress. As Saul’s commander-in-chief, David had the skills to lead the army but he recognized that he couldn’t do everything and needed trusted others at his side.

The chapter pushes this thought even further by naming the chiefs of David’s mighty men in the next sentences. It wasn’t sufficient to have one trusted aide, David surrounded himself with men devoted to Israel and his kingship. And together with David, as king, they grew Israel from an upstart nation into a well organized world dominant country.

The whispers I am hearing from the text, hone in on the question, “Who is at my (your) side? Who is standing with you? And who are you standing with?” In all aspects of my life who am I partnering with?

It is time for me to sit and reflect, “Am I trying to do life alone or am I learning to live life in the community of others who are at my side?

Lord, thank You so much for the people you have brought alongside of me, personally and professionally, friends and coworkers. Thank You for all the people who make my life what it is! Thank You and Lord, thank You for being by my side as well. You promise to never leave or forsake me. Alleluia, the Lord God almighty is with me! Amen.


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