Tuesday, February 22: 1Chronicles 26- Just so many people

Name upon name, task upon task, position upon position, I feel like I am looking into the file drawer of the HR person responsible for protecting worship in Israel. This is the fourth chapter detailing people involved with the Temple and worship.

I was surprised by all the detail. I don’t normally think about details. Thinking about the details, I realized that things don’t just ‘happen’, there is work, effort, and thought behind every accomplishment. Whether it is making the tissue I just used to blow my nose; the worship service we will attend this weekend; or labor and ingenuity which provided and maintains the Internet over which this blog will travel; people and hours of work are behind it all.

The whisper of the Spirit, as I contemplate David’s kingdom and my 21st century life, “Appreciate others, you need them.”

This chapter reminds me how dependent I am on other people. I am part of an interconnected and interdependent world and I need other people. God’s whisper echoes back: “Remember to appreciate them!”

Lord, I can become so focused on my world and ‘my this and my that’. I can become so self-centered that I miss Your call to kindness (Gal 5:22) and appreciating others. Forgive m,e Lord, and help me to grow into a person who appreciates others… Amen.



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