Wednesday, February 16: 1Chronicles 21- Opposition


Satan rose up against Israel and incited David to take a census of Israel (1). Those opening seven words laid a sobering pall on my thoughts and meditations this morning.

As Christ-followers we are in a battle. God’s enemy, Satan, is our enemy and he is constantly lurking, looking for opportunities to incite us to sin. And as humans, each of us has our particular points of vulnerability. David, as leader and commander-in-chief, carried concern for his nation. In his world attackers rose up regularly.  Knowing the size, strength and deployment of those you could call into military service at an instant was important. At least prudence and human wisdom said so. What David lost sight of was that the Lord God Almighty was his strength and rear-guard not his army. David allowed the strength of his army to become an idol.

We all have vulnerable points…

God provided David with wise counselors, Joab and Gad in this account, but David sped past their advice. Paul reminds us that God never tempts us beyond what we can bear and always provides a way out from under it… (see 1Cor 10:13). God provided, David ignored.

His story is so often my story… speeding past God’s ‘way out’ and landing in sin.

As I step back and contemplate the Spirit whispers, “Be alert. Be on your guard. Your enemy will set traps for you.  I’ll warn you and lead you around them if you listen…”

The prayer that wells up in my soul is a song we sing in worship:

“Speak, Lord, Your servant is listening

Speak words of knowledge and wisdom

Speak, Lord, Your servant is listening

For Your still, small voice”

Lord may it be so… may I always be listening for You to speak and when You speak. Amen.


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