Thursday, February 17: 1Chronicles 22- passing along the faith.

This chapter gives a snapshot of David passing his faith in the Lord and his desire to do something great for God onto the next generation. To build something great means passing it along to those who come after us.  What a thought!

My mind is turning and churning already… passing along the faith, passing along God-size dreams…

The chapter doesn’t say much if anything about David passing along his faith in the Lord to Solomon. I guess I am just assuming that David instilled in Solomon and his other children a reverence for the Lord. As I think about this, I cannot recall anything specific in the Bible talking about this besides the reverent love for God that David regularly showed for the Lord. And this reminds and suggests to me that we have to LIVE the faith if we want to pass it along to those who come after us. Children need to see us engaged in our faith. They need to observe our faith, making a difference in how we live and what we do.

So much of the faith is caught as opposed to taught. If we want our children to have a thriving faith we have to live a thriving faith.

Nothing is automatic. Having a deep and abiding faith doesn’t guarantee that our children will as well, but demonstrating faith in how we live, how we parent and how we act is a great teacher for our children…

Words need to follow our actions but without the actions of faith our words will be hollow and likely empty…

Now that I have written this, I have a lot to chew on and consider. Am I living these insights the Lord revealed?…

Lord, please help me to be a consistent man (woman) of faith. May Your light shine through me in the manner in which I live and in the words I speak. Lord, may my living and words be consistent and faith-filled, for the sake of my heirs and the sake of all who may be watching me… in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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