Tuesday, March 29: 2Chronicles 27- What's your 'because'

I found myself asking the Lord what is it here in Jotham’s life that You would like to use to speak into my life? The chapter was short so I read it a second  time.  My eyes seemed to fix on verse 6 and particularly the word ‘because.’ Jotham grew powerful because…

Life offers us many possible ‘becauses.’ Bernie Madoff has been in the news a lot this year due to his ‘Ponsie Scheme’. He became rich and powerful because he cheated people. Muammar Kaddafi has been in the news as he fights to maintain control of Libya. Kaddafi remained in power all these years because he was ruthless. Others rise to power because they are brilliant or are innovators, like Gates and Jobs. There are hundreds of ‘becauses.’

Jotham grew powerful because he walked steadfastly before to the Lord his God (6).

Everyone of us has a because. We may not rise to world prominence but we build our lives on some foundation, our ‘because.’ God asks, “What’s your ‘because’? Upon what foundation are building your life?”

O, God, help me to emulate Jotham who walked steadfastly before You. Lord, ‘walked’ suggests that he lived in relationship with You and steadfastly tells me he kept at it.  He was diligent. Like Jotham, I pray that my life is spent connected to You and that I remain with You all the days of my life. Lord, I know I need the presence of the Holy Spirit and the strength to listen when He speaks.  Grant me this I pray, in Jesus name. Amen.


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