Monday, May 30: Job 15- The gift of truth.

As I read Eliphaz’s response, my heart was dismayed as the conversation between Job and his ‘friends’ sunk deeper and deeper into mudslinging.

I spent some time mulling over the confused theology that Eliphaz and others in the book of Job espouse.  We have read this numerous times already. I found myself wondering what it must have been like living before God’s Word was given (and accessible). People’s understanding of God was completely based on personal experience, personal musings and thoughts –sometimes correct yet often misguided at various points- passed down from one generation to the next.

Knowing how prone I am to see life through ‘my lenses’ and how often that is flat out wrong or a misread of what’s happening, makes this line of thinking frightening. When everything is subjective like this, anything goes. Let me put it this way.  I have been in a few fender-benders in my day and my version and the other driver’s version of the accident don’t always match. Personal perspective and lenses color how we perceive the world.

Now this is one thing when it comes to me interpreting my life or even individuals interpreting the world in which they (and we) live. However, it is an entirely different matter when it comes to proclaiming the ways of God…

And so my musings circled back to God.  I found myself ever so grateful that God, in His wisdom and love, has given the world His written Word. Job, Eliphaz, Bildad and the others could argue about God as they understood God.  However, we have an objective truth to point to and  upon which to base our understanding. Without God’s Word, as foundation and truth for my life and my understanding of God, I am left to my ‘best guesses’ and that’s a pretty flimsy foundation as I see it.

I understand that believing that the Bible is the VERY Word of Almighty God and therefore provides truth about God and God’s ways is a faith statement, one which I gladly make. I find my truth in the God of the Bible and the written word God has provided.

Where do you find truth life upon which to build your life?

O, God, my heart fills with tremendous gratitude that You in Your wisdom have provided the world with Your truth, the Holy Bible. Thank You. Lord.  I need Your help to build my life squarely upon Your Word. Help me understand it correctly. Please Holy Spirit, teach me. I need the grace and strength to live according to what You say within it. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.


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