Three bullets from this chapter got to me. I pondered each one for a moment before moving on in my reading. Bullet 1- from verses 2-3 - I will say more in a moment. Bullet 2 was verse 12-13 about the power and effectiveness of God’s Word. And bullet 3, Jesus, our great High Priest, tempted yet without sin and who invites us to God’s throne of grace (14-16). All are worthy of thought, reflection and comment.
For today’s writing, I focus on the first bullet. For we also have had the gospel preached to us, just as they did; but the message they heard was of no value to them, because those who heard did not combine it with faith. Now we who have believed enter that rest, … (2-3).
The hearing of the Gospel message needs to be combined with a person’s faith in order for it to take root and produce any fruit.
Faith and belief express the same reality. In the verses above, the writer sets up a contrast between ‘we’ and ‘they.’ He writes that we have God’s rest because we believe. But they received no value from the preaching of the gospel because ‘they’ didn’t combine it with faith.
God’s Gospel, God’s Good News, is ripe with value and promise and blessing. Oh my it is! My life bears witness to 30+ years of fruit from God’s Good News. However it takes more than merely reading the Bible or sitting in church. A person must believe in Jesus, putting their faith and trust in Jesus. Hearing God’s Word only provides value when it is combined with faith.
Have you put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ, God’s Son? Think about it.
O, God, I pray that everyone who reads this simple thought will combine hearing of Your Word with faith and so find Your peace, Your love and Your rest in and through Jesus. Amen.
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