Saturday, June 18: Job 32- Finite wisdom

Elihu has listened in vain as Job and his friends dueled with their words back and forth and back again. From Elihu’s perspective the duel ended in a draw and Elihu became very angry with Job for justifying himself rather than God. He was also angry with the three friends, because they had found no way to refute Job, and yet had condemned him (2-3). All these words and no conclusion except the two sides hardened in their positions. We will see if Elihu can bridge the disconnect… the next few chapters will tell.

Today I sit pondering the futile wisdom of man. All their best thinking and speaking cannot settle the matter.  Is Job guilty or innocent? At this point, the whisper of the Spirit reminds me that we humans are finite in our wisdom… and our thinking is always colored by our experiences and our worldview. None of us are truly unbiased and none of us have all the answers. Even at our absolute best (does that ever honestly happen?) we can only grasp so much. We are limited and finite…

I need God. I need God’s wisdom. I need God’s truth. Only God has absolute wisdom and truth. I can never ascend to God’s wisdom and truth and neither will humanity. We -collective humanity- are destined to partial and biased truth. Left to ourselves, we are destined to talk and argue ad infinitum. Only when we submit to God’s truth can we hope to get beyond ourselves and gain an honest view of life.

Thank You, God, for supplying Your truth in the Holy Bible and for giving us Your Word, which is the end of the matter. Help me, Lord, to understand Your Word, and to accept it and live by it to Your honor and glory.  I submit myself to the scriptures of Your Old and New Testaments and Your revealed will and Your perfect Word. It will teach me all the truth You need me to know. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit that He might be my teacher and my guide as I study Your Word in order to live Your word. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.



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