Tuesday, June 21: Job 34-

Elihu offers more of the same, words filled with groundless accusations so that Job can be judged guilty according to their understanding.

And yet in the midst of this chapter a few verses caught my attention and offered solid food for meditation. In verses 13-15 Elihu tossed out a question and comment: Who appointed him [i.e. God] over the earth? Who put him in charge of the whole world? If it were his intention and he withdrew his spirit and breath, all mankind would perish together and man would return to the dust.

I found myself pondering the greatness of God.  No one appointed Him because no one is greater than He. God is in charge of the whole earth because God is! God created it and the earth and all that is in it and the stars and planets and the universe are God’s…. period! There is nothing more to say.

The next declaration was the real stopper for me. I don’t recall having pondered this truth before.  If God withdrew His spirit all mankind would perish. Wow, we are even more personal.  I am absolutely dependent upon God.

I spend so much of my life thinking I am in control… trying to control this and that, worrying about this and that.  Then in this one sentence, I am reminded how utterly dependent I am on God. And actually it feels good being reminded how dependent I am on God

Thank You, Lord, for the reminder.  The mere removal of Your Spirit and the world as we know it is over, life is over.  All Your awesome power and You still invite me into a relationship. You want to spend time with me…WOW!  How awesome is that?!  The God who made everything –and I mean everything- wants a relationship with me. The God who sustains everything invites me to be dependent upon Him. I mean does it get any better than this??

I don’t think so…

Jesus, it is in Your name that I pray. Amen.


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