Wednesday, June 29: Job 41-God presses His case


Humbled though Job may be, God presses His case further against Job. God drills Job about leviathan. Historians are not sure what leviathan is, but it is clear that leviathan is a gigantic animal, well beyond the strength of humans. Can Job catch, or handle leviathan? Clearly the answer is ‘NO’.

In the midst of this discourse pops verse 11: Who has a claim against me [God] that I must pay? Everything under heaven belongs to me. The Lord states His claim… leviathan, weather, all animals, you name it, belongs to God!

I wonder how Job, who dared God to meet him in court, reacted to the opening sentence of verse 11; Who has a claim against me [God] that I must pay?

I spent time dwelling on that question.  I have no claim against God. I deserved nothing from Him. Instead, I am at God’s beckon call.  He can summon me to court but not I Him.

My meditations remind me how easily I can get roles reversed, putting myself above God instead of humbly bowing before God…

O, God, forgive me for minimizing You and exalting me. Life does not revolve around me. I should live my life for You. Lord, I seek to do just that, to live under Your direction and for Your glory. Lord, send the Holy Spirit that I might have the counselor in and with me to guide, direct, instruct and lead me in Your way. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


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