Thursday, June 9: Job 24- Why are there troubles in this world?

The ‘why’ questions fly from Job’s mouth. “Why does God…? Why doesn’t God…?” Job’s cries strike a note within me. I have wondered ‘why’ a thousand times, a million times. Why do crazed despots hurt and starve millions? Why do drunks drive and kill people? Why do earthquakes and tsunamis happen? Why cancer? In a world where enough food is produced to feed everyone, why are so many hungry?

Sometimes my questions are generic. Other times I direct them to God.

Why does God allow crazed despots hurt and starve millions? Why doesn’t God protect innocent people from drunk drivers who kill people? Why does God allow earthquakes and tsunamis happen? Why cancer? In a world where enough food is produced to feed everyone why does God allow so many to go hungry and die of starvation?

Why God, why???

What became glaringly obvious to me as I wrote and pondered this morning is that the question I don’t often enough ask is “Why don’t I do more to alleviate that which I can, regarding the concerns I have?”

I realize I am not speaking for anyone else, but I am driven to examine myself this morning.  All too often my ‘whys’ absolve me and implicitly condemn others, even God

As I re-read what I just penned, a deep sorrow wells up within me, my eyes fill and the screen before me blurs due to my watery eyes…

O, God, why do You put up with me? The selfish, spoiled, lazy, hypocritical person that I am. I question You, I question others and yet I sit by in my comfy house, with my belly full and my closet bursting and I do little to help those in need. O Lord, take the plank out of my own eye…

One more thing, Lord, thank You for still loving me, for not giving up on me, and for giving me 2nd, 3rd, 4th, chances. O, Jesus, I owe You everything and yet I ask for more. I ask You to help me give myself to You with reckless abandon.

To You, the Spirit and the Father, be glory for ever and ever. Amen.


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