Friday, May 18: -Ezekiel 32 - The high price of leadership.

Pharaoh gets his own page.  How often this happens. God judges a nation and then has a particular word for the king or leader. Leaders apparently hold a special place in God’s economy. God endows some people with gifts and abilities to lead, but then holds them to a standard commensurate with their gifting and position.

This is a sobering observation. I may not be a national or international political leader, but I lead. My pastoral and my parental position are both leadership positions. And if things follow course then I am held to a higher standard commensurate with those positions. The NT tells me this is true as a pastor/teacher (see James 3:1:Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly).

For the remainder of my time, I took stock in leadership positions and asked myself a few questions:

  • Am I leading to the best of my ability?  Am I giving it my all?
  • Am I leading people to connect more and more with the Lord?
  • Are lives being impacted for the good and godly because of my leadership?

The questions run on.

Leadership is a high calling and one with intense God-scrutiny. I have much more mulling to do…

Oh, God, I am a fool if I think I can even for a moment lead on my own. I need You, Your voice, Your Holy Spirit so that I can lead well. To You I come, humbled, honored and in desperate need of constant God-filling.

As the song goes, ‘make me, mold me, fill me, use me, Spirit of the living God fall a fresh on me’. Amen.



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