Monday, May 7: Ezekiel 22 - Standing in the gap.

I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found none (30).

When I came to verse 30, I wondered what it meant to ‘stand in the gap.’ It is the only time in the Bible the phrase appears. Given all the sins listed against Jerusalem, who could have stood in the gap and appeased God’s wrath so that He did not destroy the city and its people?

Obviously no one, because God could find no one who could/would do it.

My mind slid to the NT and the wrath you and I and the world were under due to our sin. We deserved what Jerusalem received. We deserve it and yet now there is one who stands in the gap, Jesus, the righteous one.

On the cross Jesus stood in the gap for us. He took the penalty we deserved and offered Himself in our place. All who believe in Him will not be destroyed because He stood in the gap for us…

Thanks be to God for Jesus.

Folks, if you have not received Jesus as Lord and Savior; if you have not put your faith in Jesus as your God and Redeemer, then you stand on the precipice of destruction. As long as you have breath you have the ability to reach out to Jesus by faith. When you reach our for Him,  He will stand in the gap for you. He will take on your sin and give you His righteousness. You will not be destroyed for your sins, instead you will be granted eternal life.

Please take that step of faith…

Just ask Jesus… You might say something like this.

Jesus, I put my trust and faith in You. I am sorry for all I have done wrong and I ask You to forgive me. More than that Jesus, I acknowledge that You are God and I will follow and obey Your Word, the whole of the Bible. Help me to learn about You and grow in knowing and following You. I pray this in Your name, Jesus. Amen.

Welcome to the family of God. If you prayed a prayer like this please send me an email and let me know. I will send you some helps to grow in following Jesus.



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