Tuesday, May 15: Ezekiel 29 - How easily we forget or how stubborn we can be.


God uses perfect word-pictures, the fish imagery for Egypt who relied on the fish of the Nile for food. Another ideal image was Egypt as the reed staff to Israel, magnificent use of language to communicate His point.

Interestingly what captured my attention were verses 8-9: "'Therefore this is what the Sovereign LORD says: I will bring a sword against you and kill your men and their animals. Egypt will become a desolate wasteland. Then they will know that I am the LORD. …

It was the last sentence that stuck. Hadn’t God said the same thing when He performed the ten plagues leading to Israel’s Exodus? Hadn’t the same thing been said before the Egyptian army was lost in the Red Sea?

Does Egypt forget so easily or are they incredibly stubborn and arrogant? How many times must they be told before they ‘get it?’

Mediations erupt… and before long God is circling me back around to me. How often do I have to be told? How many times do I forget a lesson from the Lord, requiring that I be taught it again? Is that a sign of stubbornness in me? Is it arrogance?

Why is God so gracious to me that He continues to pour out grace upon grace? There is so much I do not know or understand…

But this I know, faith in Jesus opens the floodgate of grace.  It turns an enemy into a son and allows me to call God Almighty “Abba - Father, Daddy”

What a gift…

Thank You, God, for this gift of knowing You, for Jesus, my Lord,and the riches of blessing that come through faith in Jesus. I don’t understand why I am so graced but I am ever increasingly thankful.

Blessed be the name of the Lord! Blessed be the name of the Lord! Blessed be the name of the Lord, most high!…




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