Tuesday, May 1: Ezekiel 17 - Bloom where you are planted.

The thought came to me, “Bloom where you are planted.” Along with that, “Be content where you are planted.”

The sprig is taken by a great eagle from one treetop and planted in a land with plenty of water and yet as it grew, it set its roots toward another great eagle who offered water. The sprig is judged for her seeking after another.

The allegory points to Judah taken into captivity in Babylon and yet the puppet king Zedekiah refused to submit to Babylon.  Instead he called to Egypt for protection, which backfired and brought further hardship on Jerusalem.

The failure for Jerusalem was that she was not content; she took things into her own hands rather than trusting that God was in control. She was, after all, exiled to Babylon because of disobedience.  

After exploring the context of this chapter, God brought me back to the present and the two statements with which I began came up again.

Bloom where you are planted, and

Be content where you are planted…

God has us where we are for a reason… live faithfully and contentedly in your present situation. Do not yearn or lust for ‘greener’ pastures, instead live faithfully where you are. Bring honor to Him who planted you…

Oh, Oh, praise Him. Oh, Oh, praise Him. Alleluia! Alleluia! Allelu-uia



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