Saturday, March 15: Philippians 3-.

What does it mean to follow Jesus? Paul offers one-sentence that could be considered an answer to that question.

Verse 8, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things.

Here is what I hear from Paul. Following Jesus means letting go of everything I have, have earned, or hold dear, considering them lost to me. In exchange, I gain Christ and the greatness of knowing Christ Jesus, my Lord.

This is much easier to type onto my computer document then it is for me to live out.

There are many things I hold dear; family tops my list. There are many things I have earned; my education/degrees rise immediately to the top. I worked hard for them. They open doors. Not to mention they offer prestige, when I want to take advantage of them. Then there are the things I have, possessions, health, etc.

Paul says he counts his ‘everything-lis’t a loss. The snippets I see of his life in the NT confirm his statement.

I don’t think my life would confirm similarly. Unexpectedly, God is holding up a mirror. A mirror, which reveals I have much growing in Jesus that is still needed.

Lord, I confess I am not as sold out to You as I often like to believe I am. Forgive me for fooling myself and short changing You.

Lord, show me what and how I can (must) do to follow You more deeply and honestly.

Jesus, to advance Your name and Gospel around the world is Your commission. Strengthen and empower me to do Your bidding with my surrendered life. For Your glory and in Your name, I pray. Amen.


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