Coming into chapter 3, it seems we are getting to the main events of the Gospel, what Jesus said and did. But surprisingly, Luke begins with John, his message and ministry as a precursor to Jesus. As I read this, it hit me. We all build on the foundation of others who have gone before us. I sat and marveled how interconnected Jesus was with John and we are interconnected with those who have gone before us. The idea that I can truly ‘go it alone’ is fallacy.
As I meditated upon this, I found myself appreciating the interconnectedness of life and the many people known and unknown upon whom my life and legacy is built! I also saw in an expanding light, God’s Work in and through all this…
Wow, God is amazing and life is amazing!
One other element caught my attention. Subtly woven into the chapter is the all nations theme. Where did I see this? In the people listening to and trying to learn form John. Luke points out among the crowds, tax collectors and soldiers. Most tax collectors were Gentile Romans. Matthew/Levi, who we will meet later, is an exception. He is a Jew. And soldiers… there were not many, if any, Jews in those ranks. What I saw in this was that God was drawing all people, not only Jews to John’s message. And as Luke puts it, all the people were waiting expectantly and were all wondering in their hearts if John might possibly be the Christ (15). Inferred in these words was that even Gentiles listening to John were waiting for the Messiah.
Again, wow, God is amazing! He is working in the background stirring up a longing for His
For the next moments I found myself wondering where God is working in the background of my life, and what the Lord would have me do to fulfill His plan…
Lord, I am listening… lead me, teach me, show me what I can do to fully live into Your kingdom work going on right here where I live. What would You have me do today to make Your story known more widely in my world and among those I know or will meet today? In Jesus’ name. Amen
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