As Paul generally does, he closes his letters with practical ‘how do I live out the faith’ teachings. In chapter 3 Paul opens the practical faith door with two complimentary admonitions; set your heart and set your mind. Listen to verse 1 and 2.
Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.
· Set your hearts on… literally ‘to seek’ = go about, desire, endeavor, enquire for…
· Set your minds on… means to think about or exercise the mind over…
Note the parallelism. We are to set our hearts and minds on things above repeated in each sentence.
Paul then gives a positive and a negative. What is above? God, His realm, and His throne where Christ is seated. We are to think about the things of God, what God desires and longs for, the ways and principles of God’s Kingdom. Then Paul names what we are NOT to set our heart/mind on, namely earthly things. God is telling us to put our affections and our mental powers upon Christ, His kingdom and His Way rather than on earthy things, like fame or riches or comfort or wealth or ….
Now, this is a thought I can chew on throughout the day. And this is a challenge, one I fail to meet regularly.
Lord, help me!
Lord, give me glimpses of You on Your throne. Captivate me with Your Glory and Your Wonder. Fill me with awe for You, such that I no longer long for earthly things but truly desire heavenly things where You are seated.
I pray for an unleashing of the Spirit in my life to captivate me with You. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
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