Some people think this entire Christianity thing with Jesus dying on the cross and all the rest is crazy, nuts, it doesn't make sense, is a crutch for the weak, and so on. Verse 18: For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God, reminds me it has been so from the beginning. Some people just don’t understand.
I am nothing special, just a normal guy. I don’t know why faith in Jesus makes sense, but it does to me, completely. I buy it. I have surrendered my life to Jesus, my Savior, my Lord. And I don’t regret a moment.
Sometimes I feel hurt or embarrassed when others don’t understand and particularly when they ridicule me and look down on me. Sometimes I don’t know what to say so that they understand. But all of the times I am grateful that faith in Jesus makes sense to me, that the Bible is a book I treasure and it speaks to me day after day after day. And, yes, I believe the message of the cross is the power of God to cancel the guilt and shame of sin and set me free to live for God rather than self. And in this I rejoice!
In fact, as I mull over all this, I can feel my heart welling up with joy in the God who saved me, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And it is to this I now pray.
O, God, I praise You that You took the blinders off my eyes and I can see You, and in my limited human way, believe in You. I praise You for my forgiveness. I praise You for my Sonship. I praise You for the joy I have seeing You in the world around me and carrying You in my heart always. I praise You, Holy Father, Blessed Jesus, Promised Holy Spirit, for saving me and calling me to help tell the world that You are real and You are the only true God. Amen.
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