Thursday, June 18: 1Corinthians 16- Hold on to Jesus.

Verses 8-9 drew me into meditation and contemplation today. But I will stay on at Ephesus until Pentecost, because a great door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many who oppose me.

My heart pondered the polar nature of Paul’s words in verse 9, a great door of effective work open to me while in the same breath he says there are many who oppose me.

Following Jesus and doing His Word is hard work, at least that has been my experience. While there are wonderful moments of joy, power, advance, connectedness and effectiveness, this rarely comes without cost. While James may counsel us to “consider it all joy” those words are spoken about trials that will come our way (see James 1).

Life, even Gospel life, is generally a mixed bag. Even as Paul is experiencing great effectiveness, he is at the same time facing opposition. In fact he says many oppose him.

Even as good days of ministry are enjoyed, they do not necessarily come easily… opposition, pain, attack, are often present in abundance at the same time.

For me this forces me to keep my eyes on Jesus. I constantly need His grace and strength to keep going. I constantly need forgiveness when I let the opposition get to me and respond poorly. And in my times with the Lord I am reminded, too, that great effectiveness is much less about me and how ‘good’ I am or the ‘gifts’ I have as it is about God’s timing and the movement of the Holy Spirit through me. In the end, it is all about Jesus… His work to be done, His effectiveness through me and relying on His strength to hold up under opposition.

Ministry, like life, is a mixed bag… holding onto Jesus is the best and only real option.

Lord, Jesus, thank You for never leaving or forsaking me. Thank You for always being there. Thank You for mercy in times of trouble and grace to be effective for You.

Thank You for Your Word which is always rich and a wide doorway to Your heart and voice. I love You, Lord. Thanks be to You for saving me. Amen.


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