Saturday, June 13: 1Corinthians 12- The wonder of the body.

The human body is wonder-full organism. The intricacies of its inner workings is amazing. I am not a biology major. What I know about how the body works pales in comparison to what doctors, scientists and medical & mental health professionals know. And, yet, I still am in awe and wonder with how the body works…how the brain controls motor movements, thoughts, hormone delivery… amazing. How something seeming insignificant, when it is not right, can affect the whole body. A vitamin deficiency can affect eyesight and health. How a sore or sprained ankle can throw a hip or back out of joint. And, like I said, I know very little compared to what is known about the human body. The body is a work of genius.

Paul makes an analogy between the human body and the body of Christ, the church. As the human body is all interconnected so is the church. I need every one and everyone needs me. We all play a role, and every role is important. When one part suffers, we all suffer together with that one part.

Tomorrow I will gather with my church family after being away for 3 weeks in West Africa. I am really looking forward to being with my body. And as I look around that room I will have a deeper appreciation for each part gathered in the name of Jesus.

And having just spent time with churches in West Africa, I realize, too, that what Paul says about a local church is true for the whole Church as well. We all need each other. Different denominations and different people groups are indispensible parts of the ‘capital C’ Church just like different people are indispensible parts of a local assembly of the church.

Risk a few minutes of contemplation and think about how much you need others in the church and how much they need YOU!

Dear God, thank You for this grand organism called the church. Help me to appreciate her more and more every day I live and help me to do all You would have me do in my church and for the Church. I pray in Jesus’ Name. Amen.


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