Wednesday, June 24: 2Corinthians 3- Our letter of recommendation.

Paul writes that the Corinthians were his letter of recommendation for ministry. Do we need, like some people, letters of recommendation to you or from you? You yourselves are our letter… (1b-2a).

This statement got me thinking.  What would be my letter of recommendation of my faith and ministry?  I am not an apostle so I cannot point to some church founded or body of believers worshipping somewhere that didn’t exist until I arrived and planted that church. So what is my imprint of ministry and faith?

I looked outside at my backyard as I was pondering this. Over the 13 years we have lived here my wife and I have completely re-sculpted the gardens. Oh, the terraced rock walls are the same but beyond that, the plantings, the colors, the fenced in portion, the outdoor lighting and speakers and so on, are all our imprint on the back yard.

People leave an imprint wherever they live…

This thought of an imprint helped me reframe the Lord’s nudge in my heart. What is my faith-imprint? I don’t have to be an apostle to have a faith imprint…

Lives impacted… I thought about some people along the way whose lives I touched for God and for good. (Who might you point to… people you have touched?)

I thought about ministries/programs in the churches I have been a part of that I maybe helped start or I simply volunteered and worked with. Sunday school classes taught, church dinners I helped set up, clean up. My list wasn’t filled with big or notable things as much as small acts of service… (What might you point to… things you have done to build God’s kingdom?)

These are our letters of recommendation, our faith-imprint…

And this got me thinking, now toward the future. What would I wish my faith-imprint to be? Are there people God has laid on my heart whom I might impact for God and for good? Are there ministry ideas or programs that I can support with my time, talent or finances?

O, Lord God, I want to leave an imprint for You in my world. When I leave this world and go to be with You, I want there to be a garden of lives and services rendered in Your name and for Your glory that speak of my life lived for You. Amen.



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