Paul prays for the church in Colossae… We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all God’s people—the faith and love that spring from the hope stored up for you in heaven and about which you have already heard in the true message of the gospel that has come to you (3-6a).
My heart warmed and was drawn in by the phrase, we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all God’s people…
Faith and love seem to be connected, like two sides of a coin together representing one whole. This faith and love spring from the gospel that lives in God’s people of Colossae.
I found myself thinking and musing, “What a beautiful picture of our life in Christ this pair paints.”
Too often I watch people, myself included, separate faith and love. (I admit it is often easier to see the trait in others than myself. When this happens I need the courage to look in the mirror and see if this trait I noticed in others’ lives in me.) We speak of faith as if it is the precepts we believe, as if faith is the knowledge stuffed in our heads. Sadly, this ‘information-based faith’ is often divorced from how we live. So I can say, “I believe in Jesus,” but remain a bigot or remain uncompassionate about people in need and so forth.
Paul’s prayer highlights for me how delighted Paul is that the Colossians do not do that. They keep faith and love joined tightly connected.
Interestingly, as I muse, it is not love alone either. As if ‘all you need is love, love, love is all you need’, like the Beatles sang.
Love and faith, faith and love are joined together to create a life that pleases God. And the Gospel, presented correctly and growing rightly, ought to produce faith and love.
I came to that moment of my morning when it was time to hold the plumb line of faith and love up against my own life.
Does my faith in Jesus produce a generous portion of love in me… love for all God’s people? Is the love obvious, can it be demonstrated in my calendar or my check register, in my words, behaviors and attitudes?
It is wrestling with questions like these that connect me with my Father as I sit with His Word….
Lord, search me and know me, examine my heart that my life might be a gift and offering of love to You, My Lord and my God.
Purge out all evil and self-centeredness that remains in me so that there might be plenty of room for Your character and fruit to prosper and grow in me. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.